Extracting Ismae Azam involves extended knowledge about:
1. Haruf (Urdu/ Arabic Alphabets)
2. Numeric values, Taba (i.e Aatshi, Aabi, Baadi, Khaki)
3. Stars related (to ascertain the most appropriate time for their recitation)
4. Day of the week associated with the first Harf of the Name.
5. Extensive knowledge of the 99 Names of Allah, their meanings and ascertaining appropriateness of Allah’s names selected.
I have extracted thousands of Allahs’ names (Isme Azam) for the needy persons and, AlHamdulillah besides achieving immediate peace of mind, they have reported reaping maximum benefits.
As-salamy alyekum.. my name is Mohammed zaki ansari can you please tell me what would be my ismaeazam and to know ismaeazam its required mother name also ?
Mohammed zaki ansari
Ismeazam ” Ya Mateeno -Ya Nooro -Ya Allah ”
First Day 822 times (recite names slowly, as written)
Later, daily after every prayer at least 21 times
-Recite Darood-e-Ibrahim at least once before and after
-Recite Ismeazam for any legitimate need with Faith & Confidence in Allah Kareem.
-Plz say your Prayers regularly.
Thank you so much.. i have one more que please reply .. 1st .. what is adad of my name ?
2nd :- need to read these 3 (Ya Mateeno -Ya Nooro -Ya Allah) or any of one from them ?
Thanks again
Total of all Haruf i.e 822 are adaad of your name. All three suggested Asmaepak are required to be recited. In fact, total of all of them together is equal to 822.
My birth name is Hamza munir but then it was changed to Mohsin Tanveer due to some reason now my worldly name is Mohsin Tanveer which the world knows me by and family at call me by Hamza. If you could please help me with the right wazifa for me thank you.
Hamza Munir
Ismeazam ” Ya Hameedo -Ya Rahman ”
First Day 360 times (recite names slowly, as written)
Later, daily after every prayer at least 27 times
-Recite Darood-e-Ibrahim at least once before and after
-Recite Ismeazam for any legitimate need with Faith & Confidence in Allah Kareem.
-Plz say your Prayers regularly.
Mohammed Raza
Mohammed Raza
Ismeazam ” Ya Mateeno -Ya Fattaho -Ya Adal ”
First Day 1093 times (recite names slowly, as written)
Later, daily after every prayer at least 22 times
-Recite Darood-e-Ibrahim at least once before and after
-Recite Ismeazam for any legitimate need with Faith & Confidence in Allah Kareem.
-Plz say your Prayers regularly.
mohammed yahiya mahmood
mohammed yahiya mahmood
Ismeazam ” Ya Maliko -Ya Hameedo -Ya Allah ”
First Day 218 times (recite names slowly, as written)
Later, daily after every prayer at least 20 times
-Darood Ibrahimi at least once before and after
-Recite for any legitimate need with Faith & Confidence in Allah Kareem.
-Saying Prayers regularly is essential.
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Ism e azam plz..
Tahir maqsood
D.o.B 12/08/1986
Tahir maqsood
Ismeazam ” Ya Allaho -Ya Raheemo -Ya Salam ”
First Day 455 times (recite names slowly, as written)
Later, daily after every prayer at least 23 times
-Darood Ibrahimi at least once before and after
-Recite for any legitimate need with Faith & Confidence in Allah Kareem.
-Saying Prayers regularly is essential
Abdulkadiri Abdullahi
Abdulkadiri Abdullahi
Ismeazam ” Ya Aleemo -Ya Razaqo -Ya Moez ”
First Day 575 times (recite names slowly, as written)
Later, daily after every prayer at least 26 times
-Darood Ibrahimi at least once before and after
-Recite for any legitimate need with Faith & Confidence in Allah Kareem.
-Saying Prayers regularly is essential.
Naeem Iqbal Awan
Naeem Iqbal Awan
Ismeazam ” Ya Naafayo -Ya Awwalo -Ya Allah ”
First Day 304 times (recite names slowly, as written)
Later, daily after every prayer at least 16 times
-Darood Ibrahimi at least once before and after
-Recite for any legitimate need with Faith & Confidence in Allah Kareem.
-Saying Prayers regularly is essential.
Noor Ahmed s/o Amam Din R/O Village chemrar teh Surankote distt Poonch J&K State. PO Surankote mob +919622130384
Noor Ahmed
Ismeazam ” Ya Naafay -Ya Wadood -Ya Haleem ”
First Day 309 times (recite names together, as written)
Later, daily after every prayer at least 12 times
-Darood Ibrahimi at least once before and after
-Recite for any legitimate need with Faith & Confidence in Allah Kareem.
-To get maximum benefits, say your prayers regularly.
malik Naeem khan
Brother, Ismeazam sent thru SMS already.
Please am sorry I want you to help me to know my isme Azam name inshallahu
abubakar abdullahi juma’at
Ismeazam ” Ya Allah -Ya Lateef -Ya Khabeer ”
First Day 427 times (recite names together, as written)
Later, daily after every prayer 22 times
-Darood Ibrahimi at least once before and after
-Recite for any legitimate need with Faith & Confidence in Allah Kareem.
-Plz say your prayers regularly.
– you can collect Ismeazam for your friends/ family members also
birth date 02/02/1964 arround 04.30 am
mother name shahjahan
father name shabbir
Ismeazam ” Ya Awwal -Ya Wadood -Ya Razzaq ”
First Day 365 times (can be completed in more than one sittings).
Later, daily after every prayer 23 times
-Darood Ibrahimi at least once before and after
-Recite for any legitimate need with Faith & Confidence in Allah.
-Plz say your prayers regularly.
– you can collect Ismeazam for your friends/ family members also
Assalamu Allaikum Wa Rahma,
Please send Me Isme Azam
Azeema Khatoon
Ismeazam ” Ya Azeez -Ya Ghaffaar -Ya Waaris ”
First Day 2082 times (can be completed in more than one sittings).
Later, daily after every prayer 21 times
-Darood Ibrahimi at least once before and after
-Recite for any legitimate need with Faith & Confidence in Allah.
-Plz say your prayers regularly.
– you can collect Ismeazam for your friends/ family members also
kindly consider
Nadia nasir
Ismeazam ” Ya Naafay -Ya Jaamay -Ya Momin ”
First Day 411 times (can be completed in more than one sittings).
Later, daily after every prayer 24 times
-Darood Ibrahimi at least once before and after
-Recite for any legitimate need with Faith & Confidence in Allah.
-Plz say your prayers regularly.
– you can collect Ismeazam for your friends/ family members also
request for ism e azam
Razia bibi
Ismeazam ” Ya Razzaq -Ya Khaaliq ”
First Day 1039 times (can be completed in more than one sittings).
Later, daily after every prayer 22 times
-Darood Ibrahimi at least once before and after
-Recite for any legitimate need with Faith & Confidence in Allah.
-Plz say your prayers regularly.
– you can collect Ismeazam for your friends/ family members also
For Ism e azam please
muhammad Bilal Nasir
Ismeazam ” Ya Maajid -Ya Aleem -Ya Rahman ”
First Day 496 times (can be completed in more than one sittings).
Later, daily after every prayer 28 times
-Darood Ibrahimi at least once before and after
-Recite for any legitimate need with Faith & Confidence in Allah.
-Plz say your prayers regularly.
– you can collect Ismeazam for your friends/ family members also
ism e azam please
muhammad hamza Nasir
Ismeazam ” Ya Majeed -Ya Rauf -Ya Aleem ”
First Day 493 times (can be completed in more than one sittings).
Later, daily after every prayer 25 times
-Darood Ibrahimi at least once before and after
-Recite for any legitimate need with Faith & Confidence in Allah.
-Plz say your prayers regularly.
– you can collect Ismeazam for your friends/ family members also
for ism azam
muhammad shahzad Nasir
Ismeazam ” Ya Mujeeb -Ya Rauf -Ya Tawwab ”
First Day 750 times (can be completed in more than one sittings).
Later, daily after every prayer 21 times
-Darood Ibrahimi at least once before and after
-Recite for any legitimate need with Faith & Confidence in Allah.
-Plz say your prayers regularly.
– you can collect Ismeazam for your friends/ family members also
Dob 30/04/1967
muhammad Nasir Iqbal
Ismeazam ” Ya Mujeeb -Ya Raafay -Ya Naafay ”
First Day 567 times (can be completed in more than one sittings).
Later, daily after every prayer 27 times
-Darood Ibrahimi at least once before and after
-Recite for any legitimate need with Faith & Confidence in Allah.
-Plz say your prayers regularly.
– you can collect Ismeazam for your friends/ family members also
My mother name “Perveen Kauser – پروین کوثر”
My Wife name “Salma Jamil – سلمٰی جمیل” BOD (19-02-1980)
My sister name “Sumaira Naz – سمیرا ناز” BOD (30-09-1985)
* Brother send other names separately. One name in one box plz.
Perveen Kauser
Ismeazam ” Ya Baaqi -Ya Muqtaadir -Ya Waasay ”
First Day 994 times (can be completed in more than one sittings).
Later, daily after every prayer 22 times
-Darood Ibrahimi at least once before and after
-Recite for any legitimate need with Faith & Confidence in Allah.
-Plz say your prayers regularly.
– you can collect Ismeazam for your friends/ family members also
plese suggest me an Ism e azam …..
Nazia Shuja
Ismeazam ” Ya Noor -Ya Hameed -Ya Lateef ”
First Day 447 times (can be completed in more than one sittings).
Later, daily after every prayer 24 times
-Darood Ibrahimi at least once before and after
-Recite for any legitimate need with Faith & Confidence in Allah.
-Plz say your prayers regularly.
– Collect Ismeazam for your friends/ family members also